JUPAS Applicants

1. What is the minimum entrance requirement for business programs?

In order to be considered for admission to the Business School, applicants are required to achieve the following minimum grades in four core subjects plus two electives.

EnglishChineseMathematicsCitizenship and Social DevelopmentX1X2/M1/M2^
Level 4 Level 3 Level 3 Attained Level 3 Level 3

^Remarks: M1/M2 refers to extended modules of Mathematics

2. How can I calculate the admissions score?

The scores presented on this webpage are converted on the 8.5-point scale as follows:

DSE Subject LevelAdmissions Score
5** 8.5
5* 7
5 5.5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 0

Admissions score calculation and subject weighting

JS5300 Business and Management English x2
JS5311 BBA Economics Math. (Compulsory module) x2
JS5313 BBA Global Business Best 3 other subjects#      x1
JS5314 BBA Information Systems
JS5315 BBA Management
JS5316 BBA Marketing
JS5317 BBA Operations Management
JS5318 BBA Professional Accounting
JS5312 BBA Finance English x2
JS5331 BSc Economics and Finance Math. (Compulsory module) x2
JS5332 BSc Quantitative Finance Better of
Best 3 other subjects#
Best of M1/M2/Econ/Chem/Phys 
Best 2 other subjects#




JS5814 BSc Risk Management and Business Intelligence

Better of 
Best 3 other subjects# 
Best of M1/M2 
Best 2 other subjects#




JS5822 BSc Sustainable and Green Finance 

Better of
Best 3 other subjects#
Best of M1/M2/Econ/Chem/Phys 
Best 2 other subjects#




#Remarks: Best 2/ Best 3 subjects include core subjects, category A electives and M1/M2

Subject bonus

Bonus points will be awarded to the next best subject (i.e. the 6th subject)^ from:

  • Core or elective subjects; or
  • Other languages

^Remarks: Level 3 or above is required for bonus point calculation

Interviews/Extra bonus points

For Global Business (JS5313), Economics and Finance (JS5331), Quantitative Finance (JS5332), Risk Management and Business Intelligence (JS5814) and Sustainable and Green Finance (JS5822)

Interview is required for admission to the five programs listed above (JS5313, JS5331, JS5332, JS5814 and JS5822). The interview performance will be incorporated into the final admissions score. Selected applicants from the JUPAS Band A pool will be invited to attend respective program interview. (Interview dates: TBD)

For other Business programs

Final Band A applicants may receive extra bonus points from their OEA/500-word personal statement (named "additional information" on the JUPAS form).

The extra bonus points will apply to our Business programs (except Global Business, Economics and Finance, Quantitative Finance, Risk Management and Business Intelligence, and Sustainable and Green Finance) included in applicants’ final Band A choices.

Selected candidates from the following will be invited for engagement activities in May-June:

  • Applicants from the JUPAS Band A pool
  • Participants of HKUST activities like Business YoungStars, Business Summer Camp and Summer Institute (Business courses)

Please click here for example of admissions score calculation (before bonus).

3. What were the median / lower quartile sample scores in 2024 intake?

The scores presented below are calculated based on the 8.5-point scale (5** =8.5, 5*=7, 5=5.5, 4=4, 3=3, 2=2, 1=0).

Median and lower-quartile scores, with weightings applied where appropriate, of the JUPAS 2024 intake are as follows:

ProgramJUPAS Main Round OffersHighest AttainableMedian^Lower Quartile^Lower Quartile Per‐subject Average Score
Business and Management
(School-based admission)
235 62.48 32.50 32.05  4.42
BBA Economics 30 62.48 35.05  34.14 4.70
BBA Finance 45 66.94 43.50 42.75 5.44
BBA Global Business 18  62.48  53.44 50.06 6.81
BBA Information Systems 30  62.48 35.40 34.00  4.80
BBA Management 24  62.48  33.55 32.04  4.45
BBA Marketing 17 62.48 32.50 32.05  4.43
BBA Operations Management 10 62.48 32.48 31.30 4.36
BBA Professional Accounting 56  62.48 32.40 31.93 4.38
BSc Economics and Finance 33 66.94 50.06 48.56 6.18
BSc Quantitative Finance 18 66.94 60.94  59.11 7.51
BSc Risk Management and Business Intelligence 23  66.94 45.00 42.88 5.44
BSc Sustainable and Green Finance 17  66.94 38.63 37.13  4.71

Note: The median and lower quartile may change from year to year depending on the pool of applicants. For Economics and Finance, Global Business,  Quantitative Finance, Risk Management and Business Intelligence and Sustainable and Green Finance, HKDSE score is a major factor but not the sole factor for admission.

4. If I take more electives, will I get extra bonus points for all of them?

Yes. The next best core or elective subject (6th subject) will be awarded bonus points.

(Bonus point = course grade x a bonus factor %)

5. Will the two extended modules in Mathematics (M1/ M2) be counted as an elective?


6. Will additional language subjects or Applied Learning subjects be considered as an elective?

Not for the core admissions score. However, the additional language subject can be considered for the 6th subject bonus calcuation.

7. Are there any subject requirements for business programs?

No. Students from all subject areas are welcome to apply.
For JS5313 BBA Global Business, Level 5 or above in English Language is normally expected.

8. Can I use other English tests (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL) to fulfil the English requirement?

No. Only HKDSE English Language subject will be considered for JUPAS applicants.

9. Can I use alternative Chinese/ other language subjects to fulfill the Chinese requirement?

Non-Chinese speaking students meeting specified circumstances set out by EDB may use alternative Chinese (i.e. Grade E or above in a GCSE/IGCSE/GCE Chinese Language subject), an HKDSE Other Language Subject (Grade E or above) or an Applied Learning Chinese subject (Attained or above) to satisfy the University's Chinese Language requirement.

The specified circumstances are:

  • a) Students who have learned Chinese Language for less than 6 years while receiving primary and secondary education; or
  • b) Students who have learned Chinese Language for 6 years or more in schools, but have been taught an adapted and simpler curriculum not normally applicable to the majority of students in local schools.

10. How will my "Other Experiences and Achievements" (OEA) be used in considering admission?

Students are encouraged to prepare a precise and accurate record of their OEA and a 500-word personal statement (named "additional information" on the JUPAS form) for admission consideration.

Please note that we emphasize quality of your activities rather than the quantity. In your personal statement, we wish to learn more about your personality, aspirations and motivation/suitability for the programs.

Bonus points will be awarded to final Band A applicants with impressive records and statements.

11. Will I have any advantages if I have participated in HKUST Business School activities/ events?

If applicants have comparable HKDSE scores, tie-breaking bonus will be given to those who have participated in any of the following:

  • Business Preview
  • Business YoungStars
  • Business Summer Camp
  • Summer Institute (Business courses)

12. Do I need to attend an admission interview?

For Global Business (JS5313), Economics and Finance (JS5331), Quantitative Finance (JS5332), Risk Management and Business Intelligence (JS5814) and Sustainable and Green Finance (JS5822) 

Interview is required for admission to the five programs listed above (JS5313, JS5331, JS5332, JS5814, and JS5822). The interview performance will be incorporated to the final admissions score. Selected applicants from the JUPAS Band A pool will be invited to attend respective program interview. 

For other Business programs

Interview is not required.

13. Do students receive conditional offer?

Applicants/Nominees of the following schemes may receive conditional offer. 

  • HKSAR Government's Home Affairs Bureau Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship (HAB)
  • HKUST's Student Athletes Admissions Scheme (SAAS)
  • School Principal Nomination (SPN) [Alternatively, extra bonus points may be awarded. Conditional offer holders will still get extra bonus points if, unfortunately, they fail to meet the admission condition.]

14. Do I still have a chance to be admitted to HKUST Business School if I put your programs in Band B choices at the end?

Our admission standard in the past has been consistently high. If you can fulfill our admission requirements, it is likely that you can also fulfill the admission requirements of your first choice program and be admitted to that program through the JUPAS system. Also, from 2012 to 2024, 100% of our admitted students via JUPAS main round came from the Band A pool. If you are really interested in our program above all, you should put it as your first choice.

15. Do institutions know the order of my JUPAS program choices?

No. We do not know the exact order of your choice. We only know the Banding of your choices.

16. Should I put JS5300 Business & Management (school-based admission) or specific major programs in my JUPAS choices?

The Year 1 curricula of all business programs are identical. If you are interested in business study in general and would like to take time to explore your program interest and aspiration, you should choose JS5300 Business & Management to enter the School first and select your desired major(s) by the end of the 3rd semester. At least half of the program seats for each major are reserved for students admitted into JS5300 Business & Management to enter the programs via the major selection exercises.

If, however, you have particular interest and understanding in a specific business major program (e.g. Accounting), you should put JS5318 BBA Professional Accounting as your top choice, followed by JS5300 Business & Management to maximize your chance to be admitted to HKUST Business School (given the smaller intake size of program-based admission versus that of school-based admission). Drawing reference on the 2024 intake results, it is expected that the minimum scores for entering business major programs would be higher than that of entering the School via JS5300 Business & Management.

Applicants who intend to put only one business choice in Band A, the School-based admission route of JS5300 Business & Management is recommended.

17. I am re-taking HKDSE, will I be considered? Will there be any penalty?

We accept combined certificates as long as the minimum admission requirements are met. There will be no score penalty.

18. Are there any scholarships for JUPAS applicants?

On top of the JUPAS Scholarships under the University’s scheme, HKUST Business School offers top-up scholarships for eligible applicants. Those with excellent interview performance may be awarded further scholarship. For details, please refer to here.

19. Where can I find information about student halls and how to apply?

Currently, HKUST has 10 Undergraduate Student Halls (9 on-campus halls and 1 off-campus), 5 of which have student halls with students’ associations, offering accommodations to both local and non-local students. Local students are offered university-provided accommodation for one semester in their first year of study.

Following accepting an admission offer, you should refer to the Admissions Portal for updates on the application period and procedure for student housing. You may visit here for further information.

20. Can JUPAS students apply for the World Bachelor of Business (WBB) program?

WBB is a self-financed program jointly offered with University of Southern California (USA) and Bocconi University (Italy). Students may submit a separate WBB application via USC’s Common Application in addition to their JUPAS application.

Please refer to the program website http://wbb.ust.hk for more information.

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