Business Summer Camp

About Our Program

After a few years of hiatus due to COVID-19, we are excited to announce the Business Summer Camp (BSC) is back and better than ever!

Business Summer Camp 2024 is a two-day day residential camp offered by the HKUST Business School during 13-14 July. Designed for secondary F.4 and F.5 students (or equivalent), the Summer Camp is an excellent opportunity for you to expand your network to other secondary school students and HKUST students through fun and challenging games on campus. There will also be enrichment workshops on CV writing and public speaking to help you grow and develop your skills!

Don’t miss this excellent opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, and challenge yourself while having fun and learning new things.Register NOW and join us for a memorable experience this summer!

Date: 13-14 July, 2024 (Sat - Sun)
Time: 09:30 - 18:00
Venue: HKUST Campus
Fee: HKD 980

Arrangement for Typhoon or Black Rainstorm Warning and Inclement Weather

1.Weather typhoon signal no. 8 or the black rainstorm warning

  1. If typhoon signal no. 8 is hoisted or the black rainstorm warning is issued on the Day 1/ Day 2 of the camp and not lowered before 12 noon, activities on that day will be cancelled.
  2. If the warning is lowered before 12 noon on Day 1/ Day2, program registration will start at 2pm at Lecture Theatre A on the same day.
  3. If the black rainstorm warning is hoisted after the start of the program, the camp will be conducted as usual. However, outdoor activities or events which involve outside guests speakers may be cancelled. Group leaders will assist to arrange food and beverage during the stay. Participants are NOT allowed to leave the University except with parents' consent.
  4. If the typhoon pre-no.8 special announcement is issued after the start of the camp, the camp will be cancelled and group leader will assist participants in leaving the campus.

2.Typhoon signal no. 3 or the red/amber rainstorm warning

  1. If typhoon signal no. 3 or the red/amber rainstorm warning is issued, all activities will carry on in indoor area. Participants are NOT allowed to leave the University except with parents' consent.


  1. Participants will be notified of the final arrangement by SMS and Email from The HKUST Business School if the camp needs to be cancelled on Day 1/Day 2 due to typhoon no. 8 or black rainstorm warning.
  2. The HKUST Business School reserves the right to alter or cancel any sessions or activities. No refund will be given to the registered participants should these events occur.