Student Advising System
The Business School considers academic advising a significant element of a successful education.
Student advising is an active interaction between faculty, staff and students with an explicit purpose that through academic advising, students’ learning experience will be enhanced.
A comprehensive academic advising scheme has been established to educate and assist students to identify and achieve their academic, professional and personal goals. The scheme is to help students:
- adjust to the university environment, including taking charge of their own studies (knowing rules, regulations and policies, academic integrity, etc.);
- in their pursuit of academic interests and choosing a major;
- set their personal goals, and understand available co-curricular opportunities;
- develop a sense of pride/identity, immersing in 1-HKUST.
There will be several types of advising to cater students’ various needs:
- Walk-in advising during Fall add/drop period with Academic Affairs & Advising (AAA) Counselors
- Advising by appointment with AAA Counselors
- Peer Mentors
- UG Faculty Advisors for major-specific consultations
- Faculty Mentors (available for sign-up)
To learn about who your advisors are and make appointments, login the Student Advising System (SAS).
Office: Room 1037, 1/F, Lee Shau Kee Business Building
HKUST Business School, Clearwater Bay, KLN, Hong Kong (852) 2358-8296