Student Advising System

The Business School considers academic advising a significant element of a successful education.

Student advising is an active interaction between faculty, staff and students with an explicit purpose that through academic advising, students’ learning experience will be enhanced.

A comprehensive academic advising scheme has been established to educate and assist students to identify and achieve their academic, professional and personal goals. The scheme is to help students:

  • adjust to the university environment, including taking charge of their own studies (knowing rules, regulations and policies, academic integrity, etc.);
  • in their pursuit of academic interests and choosing a major;
  • set their personal goals, and understand available co-curricular opportunities;
  • develop a sense of pride/identity, immersing in 1-HKUST.

There will be several types of advising to cater students’ various needs:

First Year and Pre-Major Advising
  • Walk-in advising during Fall add/drop period with Academic Affairs & Advising (AAA) Counselors
  • Advising by appointment with AAA Counselors
  • Peer Mentors
  • UG Faculty Advisors for major-specific consultations
  • Faculty Mentors (available for sign-up)
Major Advising
  • Major Counselors
  • UG Coordinators or Designated Major Faculty Advisors
Specialized Advising

Click above to see dedicated advisors for specialized advising.

To learn about who your advisors are and make appointments, login the Student Advising System (SAS).


Office:  Room 1037, 1/F, Lee Shau Kee Business Building
HKUST Business School, Clearwater Bay, KLN, Hong Kong   (852) 2358-8296