We offer a diverse range of orientation program to get you connected with the University, the School and your fellow classmates.
Orientation is for YOU!
Take your first step to grasp the opportunities if you want to have a rewarding and fruitful university life. Participating in the orientation program will help you get familiar with the new environment of study, understand the resources and opportunities around, meet new friends and make a good start!
Plan your schedule, mark your diary!
Here are a series of orientation activities planned for you by the Business School which you are required to attend to know more about your curriculum and the School.
Academic Advising Session (Compulsory)
All new business students will be invited by email to attend a specific session. BIBU, MAEC, RMBI, and SGFN students will have designated sessions listed below.
Admission Type |
Date |
Senior Year Entry Students |
Jul 18, 2024 (Thu) 14:30-17:00
JUPAS & Non-JUPAS Students |
Aug 9, 2024 (Fri) 10:00-12:00 or 14:30-16:30
International / JEE Students |
Aug 26, 2024 (Mon) 14:30-16:30
BIBU Students only |
Aug 26, 2024 (Mon) 10:30-12:00 |
MAEC Students only |
Aug 30, 2024 (Fri) 14:45-16:00 |
RMBI Students only |
Aug 30, 2024 (Fri) 14:45-17:00 |
SGFN Students only |
Aug 30, 2024 (Fri) 14:45-16:00 |
Peer Mentoring Program (Compulsory)
For all new business students (except for BIBU, MAEC, RMBI & SGFN students)
Aug 30, 2024 (Fri) 14:45-15:45
School Welcome and Orientation (Compulsory)
For all new business students (including MAEC, RMBI & SGFN students)#
Date: Aug 30, 2024 (Fri)
Time: 12:50-14:30 (Registration starts at 12:00)
Venue: Sports Hall
# BIBU students will join the School Orientation organized by School of Science.
[PBA Orientation] Students who are admitted to SBM programs (i.e. those who have a Major) will also be invited to attend an orientation session organized by your program. More details will be provided by the respective department/program office.
Adverse Weather and Make-up Arrangements
Please refer to https://nso.hkust.edu.hk/important-item-checklist-new-students#adverse-weather for details.
Ms Mandy Chau
Logbook 2024
Click here to download
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Freshmen
Academic Affairs and Advising Counselor (AAAC)
1. If I have questions, may I know whom I should talk to in SBM?
At SBM, each new student is assigned a designated Academic Affairs and Advising Counselor (AAAC) and you may contact your AAAC for information on your academic plans, university academic regulations and policies, and to get connected to different resources available from the University. You will be informed who your designated AAAC is. Check out here for more information about student advising:
Advising and Orientation
2. Are there any compulsory events that I must attend before the term begins?
3. If I cannot attend the designated academic advising session, can I attend other sessions?
The Academic Advising Session is important for you to understand the curriculum, other academic related matters as well as essential information that you need to know before the term begins. Therefore, you are strongly advised to attend the designated session. If you cannot attend the designated session, please email bmug@ust.hk as soon as possible.
4. Is it a requirement to join an orientation camp?
Course Enrollment
5. How many credits can I enroll for in my first term of study?
6. What courses should I take in the first term?
7. Can I drop pre-enrolled courses?
No, you are not allowed to drop pre-enrolled courses as these courses are normally Business Core courses required by the curriculum. Dropping a pre-enrolled course may result in failing to meet the pre-requisite requirement for a subsequent course.
8. I have been pre-enrolled in MATH1013 Calculus and Linear Algebra. Can I take MATH1003 Calculus IB instead to fulfill the Business Core requirement?
No, students are pre-enrolled in MATH1003 and MATH1013 based on pre-admission background. Students pre-enrolled in MATH1013 are not allowed to take MATH1003.
9. I have been pre-enrolled in MATH1003 Calculus and Linear Algebra. Can I take MATH1012/1013 Calculus IA/IB to fulfill the Business Core requirement?
Yes, if students want to challenge themselves, those pre-enrolled in MATH1003 can switch to take a more advanced Calculus course such as MATH1012 or MATH1013 to fulfill the Business Core requirement. However, please note that you may not be able to go back to MATH1003 after switching due to quota constraint, so you must consider thoroughly before changing. Contact your Academic Affairs and Advising Counselor (AAAC) for advice.
10. Can I enroll in COMP1001 Exploring Multimedia and Internet Computing, COMP1021 Introduction to Computer Science and SOSC1440 Introduction to Economics?
No, COMP1001, COMP1021* and SOSC1440 are exclusive to ISOM2010, ISOM2020 and ECON2103/2113/2123, respectively. The latter three are also required Business Core courses for all SBM students. Please drop these courses as soon as possible before the end of add/drop period if you have mistakenly registered for them. You will not earn any credits if you take a course which is an exclusion to a required course in the curriculum.
*Students may take COMP1021 only after they have completed ISOM2020.
11. I am interested in Quantitative Finance (QFIN)/Mathematics and Economics (MAEC)/Risk Management and Business Intelligence(RMBI)/Dual Degree Program (DDP). Are there specific courses I should take?
If students consider QFIN, MAEC, RMBI or DDP as one of the major choices, you must take one of MATH1012/1013/1023 in order to meet the entry requirement. If you are pre-enrolled in MATH1003, contact your Academic Affairs and Advising Counselor (AAAC) to switch to a more advanced Calculus course before the end of the add/drop period.
Credit Transfer
12. I was admitted through IB/GCEAL and I know that I can transfer some credits to HKUST. How can I apply for the credit transfer?
Students admitted through IB/GCEAL in 2024-25 and onward are automatically granted 6 credits on University Common Core in Broadening Area and 9 free elective credits. If any subjects taken in the public examination have met the transfer requirements for HKUST courses, the transfer will be done automatically and no application is required. However, if the record has not been updated on Student Information System (SIS) in the beginning of the term, please email bmug@ust.hk before the end of the add/drop period.
13. If I have other public examination results which I have not submitted during the admission process such as TOEFL or IELTS, can I apply for credit transfer? When is the deadline?
For students admitted in 2024-25 onwards, please note that there will be no credit transfer from either English or Chinese Communication courses from any public examination.
14. If my student record on credit transfer has not been updated at the beginning of Fall term, what should I do?
Please email SBM UG Programs Office bmug@ust.hk ASAP for assistance.